What is Trauma?

When we are younger, we seem to think that the world is a safe place. However, there are some people who do not have that luxury. You may have gone through the trauma of surviving a tragic event like a car accident or a war. Maybe you saw someone struggling with a disease or passed away from it. Before you know it, your perspective of the world changes and you no longer feel safe.

Trauma is when something terrible has happened to you and you feel like you cannot escape the pain. Suddenly, your anxiety, memories, and negative emotions seem to take over everything. You could also be feeling disconnected from the world as well as emotionally numb and afraid to trust others. We may not have had a choice in the traumatic event that happened, but we do have control over how we deal with it.

By knowing what trauma is, you will know the effect it had on you.

Small T Trauma

There are traumatic events that may not have left you physically hurt, but have left you feeling helpless. This is called small “t” trauma. Examples of this type of trauma would be-

  • Infidelity

  • Divorce

  • Legal problems

  • Moving

  • Financial worries

Small “t” traumas are easy to overlook. You may think that because these events are very common, you are being “dramatic” in how you are handling it. While one small “t” trauma may not lead to intense distress, a number of small “t” traumas can.

For example, your first marriage ended as a result of your spouse cheating on you. When you got married the second time thinking it would be different, that marriage also ended in infidelity. This can make it hard for you to trust love ever again.

Big T Trauma

A big “t” trauma can leave you feeling powerless with little control in your environment. Examples can be-

  • A terrorist attack

  • Sexual assault

  • Natural disaster

  • Car or plane accident

  • Combat

Because of how scary these events were, it can be easier for you to notice your trauma compared to small “t” events. You will want to do anything you can to avoid a trigger that brings you back to that event. It can be things like avoiding large crowds, people who were there, any objects or sounds, and more.

With so many attempts to avoid these triggers, it can drain your energy and interfere with your daily functions of work, relationships, and sleep.

Symptoms of Trauma

Trauma affects everyone differently. You may not appear to show any symptoms as your thoughts speak louder than anything. On the other hand, you could be showing physical and emotional distress that brings a cause for alarm. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to feel.

Emotional symptoms may include-

  • Irritability

  • Anxiety and fear

  • Shock and denial

  • Depressed

  • Disconnect

  • Guilt

  • Confusion

Trauma also comes with physical symptoms that can make you feel sick such as-

  • Fast heartbeat

  • Startled easily

  • Nightmares

  • Aches and pains

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle tension

Once you recognize any of these symptoms, do not ignore them. Seek out treatment so you can learn about how to cope with these symptoms and prevent them from interfering with your life.

How to Heal From Trauma

Trauma tends to freeze you in a state of fear and hyperarousal. Exercise not only releases feel-good endorphins but can repair your nervous system.

Another thing trauma may cause you to do is isolate yourself from everyone thinking they do not understand what you are going through. Isolation will only make your negative feelings grow. When you surround yourself with people who care about you, you will feel better about your life.

Trauma does not make you broken. These are just normal reactions to out-of-the-norm situations. If your symptoms of trauma are getting in the way of living, speak to a mental health professional right away.

At Balance Counseling we offer Teen Counseling, Child Counseling and Trauma Therapy.

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